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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Info4OnlineMarketing - Internet Online Marketing

Ready to learn The Most powerful thing on Internet?

NEVER in my years, had I found something as interesting and powerful as ONLINE (INTERNET) MARKETING. I invite you to enter this amazing world of ONLINE MARKETING with me.

This summer during my internship, I got an opportunity to work with a start up EnggHeads (url : www.enggheads.com - is in developmental phase) which basically is a social learning website, for about a month and came across something very enthralling and stimulating viz, Internet/Online Marketing Strategies. I found the whole concept of Internet Marketing so captivating that I decided to pursue it and write blogs to spread this concept as much as I can.

I plan to cover the whole concept in a series of blogs and I GUARANTEE you, you will idolize Internet/Online Marketing besides you can easily EARN money being an Internet Marketer! All you would need is dedication and a bit of time.

Let me start with a question: “Don’t you visit Google every time you want information on a particular topic or if you want to buy something? “
The answers in most cases will defiantly be YES.

The Stats show:
-Global IP traffic is expected to increase fivefold from 2008 to 2013, approaching 56 exabytes per month in 2013, up from approximately 9 exabytes per month in 2008. [Source: Cisco, June 2009]
-221 million internet users in the US spent an average of 19 hours and 42 minutes online during March 2008. [Source: Nielsen Online, April 2008]
In fact with the changing shape of commerce, Internet has gained a lot of importance and subsequently to Internet/Online marketing has become of the ideal companion for businesses.

A few years ago; a potential customer would go to the shop talk to the representatives take advises from the experts but with the advent of Internet everything has changed.

Today, we would simply Google the keyword or phrase then most likely visit any of the top website Google served up, look at any related blogs or forums on the website and place our buying decisions accordingly.

So, not only it is essential for the businesses to pursue Internet Marketing but also to feature in the top search results of the search engines which make Internet Marketing even more important. (There are various techniques for this, which I will cover in my later blogs).

I will now briefly summarize the advantages of Internet Marketing in following paragraphs;

Better Targeting: Internet/Online marketing is focused at being found by users rather than interrupting them through junk mails, TV ads, and print media ads etc. The Internet Marketing tools include Blogs, Forums, Social Networking site etc.

The advantage here is for example if you read a particular blog than mostly you are interested in that particular topic and thus a company has better prospects of converting a lead into business through blogs. i.e, through Online (Internet) Marketing, you only approach people who self-qualify themselves. They demonstrate an interest in your content, so they are likely to be interested in your product.

Internet Marketing is Economical: There’s hardly any or very little cost for writing a blog or being involved on a Social networking site or related forums as compared to high costs of Print media or TV ads or cold calling etc.
Thus ROI is defiantly on the higher side.

Increase in Efficiency: One of the major advantages of Internet is that it increases efficiency by providing the businesses with the ability to integrate globally. You can easily get niche audience more effectively and cheaply.

Global Integration: Through Internet, businesses no longer have to be confined to a particular geographical area and you can have greater access to your customers worldwide.

Better Tracking: Companies have now been turning their advertising budget towards Online Marketing. With Online (Internet) Marketing, everything is tracked; companies can tell exactly what the return on their advertising investment is. Who bought what… when, where, how and sometimes even why.

Besides, Internet Marketing is of particular importance to the small businesses as on internet no one knows whether you are a small business run by a bunch of people or a MNC.

Owing to the current recession, more and more companies are finding Online Marketing ecstatic. They are using blogs for writing and publishing contents, optimizing it and using Social Media to advertize their products. Thus becoming INTERNET MARKETER!